




1. There will be no deliveries on public holidays and Sundays when typhoon warning signal No. 8 or above or black rainstorm warning is in force or under any weather conditions we think will cause dangers on deliveries.

1. 公眾假期、週日、8號颱風或黑色暴雨警告訊號懸掛時或我們判斷為進行送貨並不安全的天氣情況下,將不會提供送貨服務。


2. Delivery fees are calculated according to a third-party provider’s method. You should pay the delivery fees calculated by this e-shop.

2. 送貨服務收費是根據第三方供應商提供的運費計算方法而定。閣下需支付按本網店計算的運費金額。


2. There will be free deliveries for purchases over HK$700. “Free delivery for a certain price” is, nevertheless, not applicable at the same time as any other kind of promotion or wallet. The price of merchandise will be the price on the day of purchase. Delivery service is limited to local delivery; overseas delivery is currently not available. Delivery services do not cover mailboxes and restricted districts.

2. 凡購物滿 HK$700或以上,即可免費享用送貨服務。唯「滿額免運」不可與其他任何優惠、錢包等不同類別優惠同時使用。貨品價格以訂購當日所示為準。送貨服務只限本地,不設海外送貨。送貨服務不包括郵政信箱及禁區



3. Delivery fee to door (if applicable): If there are no elevators at the delivery address or the floor is not accessible by elevators, we suggest picking up on the ground floor. Otherwise, an extra fee will be included based on the number of floors, excluding the ground floor.

3. 上樓搬運費如適用:如送貨地址沒有升降機或升降機不能到達送貨地址之樓層,建議可選擇在地面接收貨品,否則將根據每層樓層收取額外服務費用,地下除外。


4. We will deliver the merchandise you ordered to the address you give us for delivery at the time you place your order through a third-party provider. You agree to present your photo identification upon request when you acknowledge receipt of the merchandise. The merchandise shall be and shall be deemed to be, delivered and accepted by you when the merchandise is delivered to the address you give us for delivery. You agree and accept that we are entitled, at our option, to charge you additional costs or cancel your order without any refund or compensation in the event of your failure to accept delivery for whatever reasons.

4. 樂柔美會將閣下訂購的商品或會透過第三方供應商送遞閣下所提供的送貨地址。當閣下確認收到商品同時,閣下同意應要求出示具有照片的身份證明。當商品送遞至閣下所提供的送貨地址,商品被視為交付予閣下及由閣下接收。倘閣下因任何原因而未能接收商品,閣下同意及接受我們有權選擇向閣下收取額外費用或取消閣下訂購而無需退款或作出任何補償。


5. If your delivery address changes, you must notify Comfort Me or a third-party logistics company within 12 hours of placing your order.

5. 閣下的送貨地址如有任何更改,閣下須於下訂單後的十二小時內通知樂柔美或即時通知第三方物流公司


6. You will become the owner of the merchandise you have ordered when it is delivered to you. Once it has been delivered, it will be held at your own risk, and we will not be liable for the loss or damage.

6. 當閣下所購商品已送交閣下,閣下將成為商品的擁有人。當商品已送交閣下,閣下將自行承擔持有商品的風險而我們將無須為它們的損失或損壞負責。


7. We only provide delivery service to the entrance of the address on the registration form, without the obligation or responsibilities to other places you provide. You must sign and record the receiving time on the receipt to confirm you have received the parcel (Unless you have made special instructions to Comfort Me that we can leave the parcel outside the door and you have paid the delivery fee (You are responsible for the risk of this kind of delivery arrangement)). You must ensure there is an authorized person to receive the parcel and pay the fee at the designated delivery time who is over 16 years old. If no authorised person is mentioned above, we will try to deliver at another designated time. Comfort Me reserves the right to charge an extra fee in this situation.

7. 樂柔美只會將送貨物品送至登記表格指定的送貨地址的入口,而沒有義務或責任將貨品送往閣下指定的其他地方。閣下必須在收據上簽署及記錄收貨時間,以簽收作實(除閣下已向樂柔美作出特別指示,可將送貨物品置於門外並且已支付相關貨款(閣下需就該等送貨自承風險)的情況外)。閣下須確保在指定的送貨時間於閣下的地址有已獲授權收取送貨產品及支付款項並且年滿16歲的人士在場收取送貨產品及支付款項。倘若並無上述人士在場,我們會撤回送貨並在另一協定的時間再行嘗試。在此等情況下,樂柔美保留權利,可向顧客收取額外的送貨費用。


8. You must check if the products are damaged when you receive them. If they are damaged, please fill in the electronic form under Contact Us or WhatsApp at this e-shop to arrange an exchange. We reserve the right to reject any exchange of products that are signed when received.

8. 閣下於收取貨品時必須檢查所訂購之貨品是否有損毀。如發現貨品損毀,請立即透過本網「聯絡我們」的電子表單WhatsApp發送給我們安排更換貨品。本公司有權拒絕更換已簽收之貨品。


9. There will be no further notice of any changes to the promotion conditions above.

9. 如以上推廣細則有任何更改,恕不另行通知。


10. If there are any disputes, we reserve the right of final decision and interpretation.

10. 如有任何爭議,樂柔美保留最終決定及解釋權。